
Microsoft Dynamics RMS End-of-Life

In March 2015, Microsoft announced that their point-of-sale(POS) software, Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System 2.0 (RMS) would no longer be developed and has entered the “extended support phase.” This POS is extremely popular and has been used by many companies around the world in the retail industry. The software is now in its “end-of-life” phase which means 

  • RMS will no longer be sold;
  • Mainstream support for RMS  ended in 2016;
  • Extended support will end July 2021; and
  • Extended support is only available to companies who maintain a paid annual contract.

If you are currently using the software RMS, there is no need to be anxious about the possible loss in investment as RMH is based on the highly successful RMS system; this means your data, existing hardware and anything else tied to your current system can be easily transferred. This solution is a natural upgrade and/or substitute which allows you to retain your database, hardware and functionality with many additional features.

Prodigy Systems Limited presents you with the most natural and logical RMS upgrade – a sleek, user friendly interface featuring sophisticated and innovative new technology that enables managing your store quick and easier. Upgrading to RMH helps you avoid the expense of database and IT hardware upgrades as it agrees with the existing system, i.e. RMH supports the majority of the hardware supported by RMS, avoiding the expense of costly upgrades in IT infrastructure. RMH includes all the features that retailers love in RMS, and many of the hot keys do the same in RMH as they do in RMS. 

RMH is an extensible and scalable solution that grows with your company – giving you the freedom and dexterity to customize the software to meet the specific needs of your company. This is a solution like no other as the product is available with over 250 extensions/plug-ins adaptable to any business structure, including but not limited to advance accounts receivables, customer loyalty, payment processing, eCommerce and reporting.

RMH Provides the functionality and features of RMS plus much more...
